AUTH_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Features
If connection factory supports authentication by specified username and password
AUTH_PUBLICKEY - Static variable in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Features
If connection factory supports authentication by public key
AuthenticationOptions - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
Authentication options
AutoflushPipeOutputStream - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.utils
AutoflushPipeOutputStream() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.utils.AutoflushPipeOutputStream
Creates a piped output stream that is not yet connected to a piped input stream.
AutoflushPipeOutputStream(PipedInputStream) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.utils.AutoflushPipeOutputStream
Creates a piped output stream connected to the specified piped input stream.


cd(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Changes the working directory on the remote server.
chgrp(int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Sets the group ID for the file or directory.
chmod(int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Changes the access permissions or modes of the specified file or directory.
chown(int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Sets the user ID to owner for the file or directory.
close() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
Closes this connection
close() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Session
Closes this session.
Connection - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
Common interface for SSH connections.
Connection() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
ConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
Abstract SSH connection factory.
ConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory


defaultPermissions - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
Description - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.directory
Internal representation of factories information
Directory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.directory
dumpInfo() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description
Returns information where to download library


equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description
ExecSession - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
ExecSessionOptions - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
ExecSessionOptions(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.ExecSessionOptions


Features - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh


GanymedConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed
GanymedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed.GanymedConnectionFactory
Creates new instance of GanymedConnectionFactory
get(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Download the remote file to the local computer.
get(String, OutputStream) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Download the remote file writing it to the specified OutputStream.
get(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Download the remote file to the local computer.
getAbsolutePath() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFile
getAbsolutePath(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
getAccessedTime() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getAttributes() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFile
getClassName() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description
getCommand() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ExecSessionOptions
getDecriptions() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Directory
Returns read-only list of Descriptions
getExitStatus() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.ExecSession
Returns command exit status
getGID() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getInputStream() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSession
Returns current input stream of this connection
getInstance() - Static method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Directory
Returns instance of Directory
getKexTimeout() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Returns the timeout value for the key exchange
getKexTransferLimit() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh.J2sshConnectionFactory
The key exchange transfer limit in kilobytes Once this amount of data has been transfered the transport protocol will initiate a key re-exchange.
getLicense() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description
getModifiedTime() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getName() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description
getName() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFile
getOutputStream() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSession
Returns current output stream of this connection
getPermissions() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getPort() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
getSize() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getSoTimeout() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
getSupportedFeatures() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Returns Set of String — the set of supported features codes.
getSupportedFeaturesImpl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Creates Set of String — the set of supported features codes.
getSupportedFeaturesImpl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed.GanymedConnectionFactory
getSupportedFeaturesImpl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh.J2sshConnectionFactory
getSupportedFeaturesImpl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch.JschConnectionFactory
getSupportedFeaturesImpl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd.SshdConnectionFactory
getUID() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
getUrl() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description


hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description


isBlock() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isCharacter() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isClosed() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
Returns true if connection is closed, false otherwise
isClosed() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Session
Returns true if session is closed already, false otherwise
isDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isFeatureSupported(String) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Returns true if specified feature is supported by ConnectionFactory, false otherwise.
isFifo() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isFile() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isLink() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes
isSendIgnore() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
isSocket() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpFileAttributes


J2sshConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh
J2sshConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh.J2sshConnectionFactory
Creates new instance of J2sshConnectionFactory
JschConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch
JschConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch.JschConnectionFactory
Creates new instance of JschConnectionFactory


keyfile - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions


lcd(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Changes the local working directory.
localCurrentDirectory - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
log - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Factory logger
login - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.PasswordAuthenticationOptions
login - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
lpwd() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Returns the absolute path to the local working directory.
ls() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
List the contents of the current remote working directory.
ls(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
List the contents remote directory.


mkdir(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Creates a new directory on the remote server.


net.sf.commons.ssh - package net.sf.commons.ssh
net.sf.commons.ssh.directory - package net.sf.commons.ssh.directory
net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed - package net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed
net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh - package net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh
net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch - package net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch
net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd - package net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd
net.sf.commons.ssh.utils - package net.sf.commons.ssh.utils
newInstance(Set) - Static method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Creates new instance of ConnectionFactory using system properties to resolve actual connection factory instance.


openConnection(String, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Creates new SSH connection using the specified connection settings
openConnection(String, int, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Creates new SSH connection using the specified connection settings
openConnection(String, int, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ganymed.GanymedConnectionFactory
openConnection(String, int, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh.J2sshConnectionFactory
openConnection(String, int, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.jsch.JschConnectionFactory
openConnection(String, int, AuthenticationOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd.SshdConnectionFactory
openExecSession(ExecSessionOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
Opens new command execution session from this connection
openSftpSession(SftpSessionOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
Opens new sftp session from this connection
openShellSession(ShellSessionOptions) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.Connection
Opens new shell session from this connection


password - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.PasswordAuthenticationOptions
PasswordAuthenticationOptions - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
Password authentication options
PasswordAuthenticationOptions(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.PasswordAuthenticationOptions
Creates new instance of PasswordAuthenticationOptions
PasswordAuthenticationOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.PasswordAuthenticationOptions
Creates new instance of PasswordAuthenticationOptions
phrase - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
Key authentication options
PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
Creates new instance of PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
Creates new instance of PublicKeyAuthenticationOptions
put(InputStream, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
put(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Upload a file to the remote computer.
put(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Upload a file to the remote computer.
pwd() - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Returns the absolute path name of the current remote working directory.


remoteCurrentDirectory - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
rename(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Rename a file on the remote computer.
rm(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Remove a file or directory from the remote computer.


Session - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
SESSION_EXEC - Static variable in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Features
If connection factory supports command execution session
SESSION_SFTP - Static variable in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Features
If connection factory supports SFTP session
SESSION_SHELL - Static variable in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.Features
If connection factory supports shell session
setCommand(String) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ExecSessionOptions
Sets command to execute
setKexTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
setKexTransferLimit(long) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.j2ssh.J2sshConnectionFactory
The key exchange transfer limit in kilobytes Once this amount of data has been transfered the transport protocol will initiate a key re-exchange.
setPort(int) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
setSendIgnore(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ConnectionFactory
Enable/disable SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
SftpFile - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
SftpFileAttributes - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
SftpSession - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
SftpSessionOptions - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
SftpSessionOptions() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
SftpSessionOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
Creates an instance of SftpSessionOptions with umask = 0022
SftpSessionOptions(String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSessionOptions
Creates an instance of SftpSessionOptions
ShellSession - Interface in net.sf.commons.ssh
ShellSessionOptions - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh
ShellSessionOptions() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
SshdConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd
SshdConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.commons.ssh.sshd.SshdConnectionFactory
Creates new instance of SshdConnectionFactory
stat(String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Returns the attributes of the file from the remote computer.
symlink(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Create a symbolic link on the remote computer.


terminalCols - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
terminalHeight - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
terminalRows - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
terminalType - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
terminalWidth - Variable in class net.sf.commons.ssh.ShellSessionOptions
toString() - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.directory.Description


umask(int) - Method in interface net.sf.commons.ssh.SftpSession
Sets the defaultPermissions used by this client.


write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.commons.ssh.utils.AutoflushPipeOutputStream


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